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Chocolate Chip Cookie Workshop

chocolate chip cookies baked on parchment
how to make the best chocolate chip cookies in the world: an online workshop
One time

We've all had it; the not-so-great chocolate chip cookie. You followed the recipe exactly and still had cookies that turned out differently than the picture. But not here. Imagine making the best cookie from scratch that actually look like the picture. In this workshop we'll do just that - make the perfect gooey-in-the-middle, crispy-on-the-edges, pooling chocolate, salted-flaked cookies - that took over two decades to get right - and you get it all in 90 minutes. Because joy matters.

✓ Learn how to avoid cakey, dry and overly crispy cookies.
✓ How to source the best ingredients.
✓ We will make the dough, together, start to finish.
✓ How to store your dough (and cookies)!
✓ Bake the perfect salted chocolate chip cookie.

We’ve all had them.

We’ve all baked, eaten and given them away.

Shoot, we’ve even BOUGHT them.

The mediocre, not-so-great, chocolate chip cookie. The cookie that’s too dry, too flat, too cakey and just not good.

All we want is the perfect chocolate chip cookie! Is that too much to ask?!

Golden, buttery crispy edges that almost taste like dark caramel, gooey centers with pools of bittersweet chocolate, topped with flakes of vanilla bean sea salt. We want

You want THAT cookie. Well, friend, you’ve come to the right place.

chocolate chip cookies in a box to be delivered

In this workshop, you will

Meet your teacher

it’s me.

For the first time ever, I (Robyn, that’s me!) and John (my husband) will be hosting a live, spill-all-my-secrets-online chocolate chip cookie workshop.

Family, friends and customers alike have always told me this is THE BEST chocolate chip cookie they’ve ever had. I mean, I don’t want to toot my own horn here, but I’ve actively sought out chocolate chip cookies from every bakery, cafe and restaurant too, and this recipe (and my techniques) that I will share with you, is still my favorite. I’m really excited to teach you how to make these babies. 

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to learn together live online (and at this price!), so hop on it!

I can’t wait to bake with you. 


  • No problem! We will record it. I will even host a Q & A a week after the class to give you a chance to bake these on your own and see how you do!

  • About 90 minutes, or 1.5 hours. I will stay a little longer if needed to answer any questions.

  • Our friends who have taken our online workshop classes in the past have usually baked alongside us, but if you’d rather watch, that’s totally fine too! The workshop will be structured and paced so you can join in and bake along. It is very helpful to bake along so I can check your dough.

  • Upon signing up for the workshop you’ll be sent an equipment list and ingredient list. If you do not have a standing mixer (ie kitchen aid) a handheld mixer will work beautifully too. If you do not have either, we will work out a solution. Xo

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