2016: Confessions, Reflections and Recipes
I’ve been reviewing this past year just a little bit because I’ve needed to remind myself that I have actually accomplished some things besides changing poopy diapers and keeping a small baby alive.Although now that I type that out maybe I just need to mic drop my year right there and say YEEAAAASSSSS I survived birth, breast feeding, no sleep and keeping my baby ALIVE. (And moving across 3 states with a 3 week old?!)Side note: You guys, breast feeding is not easy. It’s amazing and worth it, but it’s HARD. Maybe it’s just me - But I miss sleep and freedom real bad. All those gorgeous mamas with perfect boob pics that you see floating around instagram nursing their precious little babes - yeah, I am SO far from that. Maybe I’m a terrible person for admitting this? I want my privacy, my boobs covered and to not feel like a cow getting milked every time I pump. It’s all a love + hate thing for sure. Okay, I’m done. Well wait, I guess I just wanted to mention that there are some of us who aren’t in LOVE with breast feeding, but do it anyway because it’s good for me and my baby - and I’m healthy and able so I choose to do it - and I guess when all is said and done, it is a beautiful bonding experience, but it's still not crazy easy and perfect. Okay, now I’m done.John was ready with his goals for this year. Which made me super proud. When he asked me what mine were I told him - “Survive and enjoy my first year of motherhood".Oh! And read more books.And make more bread...but eat more vegetables.I also want to post on here more and post content that isn’t just a story and a recipe. I happy emoji cried when I read Sara’s post about the New Year, and how we are totally on the same wave length with not making posting such a “thing”. Cause you know, it takes a lot of effort and time to post these recipes and pics and there's SO much more I want to share, but I stop from sharing it because I think, eh, it’s a food blog, am I allowed to share something different? Yes? It doesn't seem good enough to post, so I just don't post. I let perfection and comparison stifle my progress and I want to be better about that. I’m focusing on non-perfection and doing my own thing. “You do you” if you will. Is that a good New Years goal?Okay, my babe is hungry (yay breast feeding!). I’ll talk to you again soon. In the meantime here are some of my favorite pics and recipes from this past year.Happy New Year my friends. Thank you for being a part of my year, it's been... wonderfully life changing.xo
(click on the picture, and it will take you to the recipe!)THE cake, made for grandma's birthday. (For many of you, this became your favorite cake too! A million heart emojis of thanks.)The cookies I made for John for his first "pre-fathers day". These practically went global (lol): I have a cousin in Utah that sent us a pic of him posing with this cookie and his beard dubbing it: the man cookie. Perfect.
Our big news and my favorite easy banana cake. (So many of you made this and loved it! Happy emoji tears again.)
When I told you we were moving over salad (Sad emoji tears this time. But, so many of you sent me so much love and support when you heard the news and for that I am forever grateful):
And because I found the time to take a shower and make pie all in the same day: (Got wild good feedback on the whole - early motherhood is no joke thing AND this pie recipe. Thank you for helping me feel sane, and making pie with me friends, I really like you a lot. xo)